Please read Getting started with Vector Search.
Visit the Integrations page of Vector Search at From here, you can add hooks to your Camio accounts specifically for use with Vector Search.
You must have Can Manage permission on each host account in order to add these hooks.
The following information will be required for each hook:
- The Host Account Name of the Camio account to create the hook for
- The Camio API token created at
- The Vector Search API Key you create at
- The Camio Query text used to determine which Camio Events trigger Vector Search policy compliance tests. The default is "human vehicle".
You can use any filters you would normally include in a Camio search query, such as camera names, groups, time ranges, zones, colors, and any other labels. Take the following examples:
"ACMEFrontCamera monday to friday 1pm to 5pm truck 10-minute-parking-zone"
"lpr 11pm to 5am human vehicle"
You may want to review the following help articles relating to Camio search queries:
How to limit callbacks to certain times of day, and
How do I exclude specific cameras from Hook callbacks.
Once you have provided the above information, select the Create Integration button, which will automatically create your new hook with Camio.
You will now be able to see the newly created integration on the top of the page, with an option to view the Camio Hook on the Camio Hooks page for that account, as well as delete the hook from Vector Search.
Note that all hooks created through Vector Search must first be deleted on the Camio Hooks page for that account before being deleted from the Vector Search Integrations page.