Yes. After end users have signed up for their own accounts, you can pay for their subscription(s) even while they control access to the content in their accounts. You create the subscription link and then checkout on their behalf.
Create the Subscription Link
Use the plan assignment tool that generates the Subscription Link required for you to pay on behalf of the end customer at:
For example, click this link to see an example Subscription Link at the bottom of the page:
Using the Subscription Link generated above, you'll see this message at the top of the page as confirmation that your payment is being applied to the desired end user.
If you see that NOT FOUND message, make sure to ask the end customer to sign in once and tell you the email associated with his/her account. See installation preparation steps.
NOTE: When you're paying for > 25 Subscriptions, you MUST NOT delete your Stripe Customer object until you've cancelled all your Subscriptions. Due to a limitation in Stripe, deleting a Customer object with more than 25 subscriptions might timeout and leave the existing Subscriptions unable to be cancelled. Please contact us prior to deleting any Customer paying for more than 25 subscriptions.