How do I connect the Milestone VMS to Camio?

Camio connects to any H.264 video stream, regardless of whether the stream comes from the camera or VMS.

If you want to get the video stream from the Milestone XProtect VMS, then use the Milestone ONVIF Bridge. Please see the Milestone article, ONVIF Bridge installation and setup detailed guide at

After you've set up the Milestone ONVIF Bridge, perform these steps:

  1. Add each stream via CSV Import (or if very few streams via Add Camera (expert mode))
  2. Use these values for these columns of the CSV Import
    1. rtsp_server: rtsp://{{username}}:{{password}}@{{ip_address}}:554
    2. rtsp_path: /live/YOURCAMERAID
      • Replace YOURCAMERAID with the camera ID GUID found in the XProtect Management Client/Application (click on the camera “Info”). So the actual value for the rtsp_path field will be something like:
    3. ip_address: enter the reserved/static IP addresses you've assigned to the ONVIF Bridge server.




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