OpenAccess Alliance Program Factory Certified Product (FCP) Interface Document

This document does not include all sales related information. Please contact the OAAP Partner’s Sales, VAR, or Lenel Sales for additional details on this Camio OnGuard Gateway.

OAAP Member Information 

Member Company Name and Address


1534 Plaza Ln #321

Burlingame, CA 94010

Member Contact

FCP Contact for Lenel Value Added Resellers and Sales Team


Carter Maslan


(650) 240-8790 x101


Technical Support Contact

Camio Support Team

Technical Support Phone

650-240-8790 x300

Technical Support Email

Technical Support Hours

7am-7pm Pacific Time

OnGuard Information

OnGuard Version/Build, Firmware




OnGuard API Used for Integration

OpenAccess v1.0

Accessory Add-On File Name (for Interfaces Using OpenDevice)


    Translator Filename


    Translator md5 checksum


Additional OnGuard Files Required


OnGuard License Entries Required for the Integration

OnGuard Software Subscription Modules (SWG-XXX). Partner Integration (IPC-096-CAMI01-B)

OAAP Product Information

Product Being Integrated






Files Required (for Communication with OnGuard System):

List all SDK or other files/applications that you must install/run for this integration to function with OnGuard.

Nothing on the OnGuard server. 

Ports Required to be Open for Communication with OnGuard

OpenAccess ports (8080, 443 for SSL)

Partner License Entries Required for the Integration


Web Location for Download of Proprietary Files


Brief Description of Product

Camio is a real-time video search engine. It enables existing IP cameras to detect and alert against unauthorized entry and tailgaters. Camio's technology is a 50x force multiplier which makes protective security economically feasible.

Business Description of Product


Customers can search for unauthorized entry (tailgating), door ajar, door forced open, and entry unlocked. All searches can also be alerts and data dashboards that put cameras to work in verifying incidents that warrant human attention.

Supported Operating System and Database Information

NOTE: Camio Gateway runs on any OS that can run a Docker Container Host.

OAAP Product System

(Supported Operating Systems and Databases of OAAP product. Note that all Operating systems and Databases listed are not compatible with all versions of OnGuard. Refer to Compatibility Charts provided with each version of OnGuard.)

Operating System

☐Windows 7 Enterprise, Pro, Ultimate 64-bit

☐Windows 8 Enterprise, Professional 64-bit

☐Windows 8.1 Enterprise, Professional 64-bit

☐Windows Server 2012 Standard 64-bit

☐Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 64-bit

Windows 10 and IoT 64-bit

Windows Server 2016 (64-bit)

Other (Specify): Any OS capable of being a Docker Host (see Docker


SQL Server 2012 Express 64-bit

SQL Server 2012 R1 64-bit

SQL Server 2014 Express 64-bit

SQL Server 2014 R2

SQL Server 2014 R1 64-bit

SQL Server 2016 64-bit

SQL Server 2017 64-bit

Other (Specify):



Functional Features of the Interface

Customers should expect the interface to allow them to:

Camio annotates video with OnGuard events to detect and deter tailgating automatically using standard security cameras. Each time the number of people passing through an entrance is greater than the number of people authorized to enter, Camio triggers a tailgating alert.


Each tailgating incident can be shared individually with the authorized employees and/or with the security staff. That review process itself motivates culture change. The “tailgating” notifications sent by Camio (via email, Slack, hooks, etc…) use templates that can be customized to match the organization’s culture and risk tolerance.

Regardless of the notification process, the recorded video is annotated with the “tailgating” label that enables fast search and event streaming to SOC staff. The video audit history also provides valuable regulatory compliance. Preventing undocumented and unauthorized entry by people who could do harm is an important part of achieving PCI DSS, SOC 2 and other certifications.


Setup and User Documents

  • The software needs to authenticate with OnGuard’s API (OpenAccess) and will need a user account with sufficient permission to execute the API calls listed above.
  • The ports required to communicate securely with OpenAccess need to be open. They include TCP ports 8080 and 443.

System/Integration Topology



  • The Camio Gateway communicates in one direction only with OnGuard, polling for events but never sending data back to OnGuard (other than the authentication credentials required to read OnGuard events).
  • The Camio Gateway does not acknowledge or otherwise update alarms or events. It only imports them in order to annotate recorded video.


See also Tailgating detection and real-time video search with Camio for OnGuard.

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