How long does it take to upload Events matching my Lazy Indexing search using tag:box

The elapsed time to drain the upload queue varies, but a typical search for a 1-hour period of time takes about 3 minutes. You can monitor progress by viewing the queue stats.

Elapsed Time

The elapsed time to upload your matching Events depends on these factors:

  1. the number of Events that match your query
  2. the size of each Event
  3. the uplink bandwidth available to your Box gateway
  4. the size of the queue of Events to be uploaded
  5. the priority of the items in the upload queue

Upload Queue

All Events that match your query are enqueued for upload. Each Box has an upload queue. When you search with the tag:box search operator, the queue stats are shown automatically. The priority of the items in the queue vary.

Queue Stats

The queue stats are shown in a toast message that can also be toggled on/off with the `q` key:



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