The regular zip-file download is great when you're downloading only a handful of selected events. Please see this article on downloading zip files.
For advanced users
If you want to download a large amount of content spanning a long period of time, then you'll need to use a more advanced shell script that runs curl commands to download every file that matches your particular query.
For example, to download the Top Events recorded from May 1st to May 3rd by your Door camera, open the Camio app in your browser and:
- enter a date-range query like Door May 1st to May 3rd and press Search
- click the Download script button in the Experimental section of the Search panel you see when you click inside the Search box:
- open your email or Camio inbox to open the message with subject "Your Camio download script" and click the link to download your .sh shell script:
- Open a Terminal window in your Downloads folder and run the downloaded shell script at a time when you can leave your computer on for as long as it takes to download all the files with the command:
Note for Windows users: You can use a tool such a Cygwin or the Windows Subsystem for Linux to run the bash script. By default, Cygwin uses C:\cygwin64\home as its home directory so you can place the file there and then run the same command above.
- All your downloaded files will be in a folder named like camio-YYYYMMDD (e.g. camio-20160528), organized by camera name and timestamp:
Creating a timelapse video from cover images downloaded
The best way to create timelapse video in most cases is to use the recorded video with this method. But the method below is good when you only want the cover image of each Event.
If the query used for the Download Script includes the filetype:coverimage search operator, then the script:
- downloads only the higher resolution cover image snapshots (not the videos and thumbnails too);
- uses sequential file names required for ffmpeg to create a timelapse video;
- prompts you to create the timelapse with an ffmpeg command.
For example the query [Door 8am to 6pm filetype:coverimage], will download only the cover images of each event between 8am and 6pm from the Door camera. After the download is complete, you'll see a prompt like this:
Create a timelapse movie from these files? (y/n)
If you type 'y' then an ffmpeg command like this one will create a video named output_timelapse.mp4
ffmpeg -hide_banner -r 8 -loglevel error -start_number 0 -i item-%06d.jpg -vcodec libx264 -profile:v baseline -level 3.0 -preset veryfast -crf 28 ./output_timelapse.mp4