If you have made adjustments to a camera's 3D grid and would like to run a sample video with the grid, you can do so using Camio's 3D grid visualizer utility. This can provide insight into how Camio counts people and determines tailgating incidents.
Testing Steps
- Retrieve the video for the testing
- If testing using a video event from the Camio app, you can download the video from the video player using either the icon in the bottom right or using the overflow (...) menu at the top right corner.
- If testing using a video event from the Camio app, you can download the video from the video player using either the icon in the bottom right or using the overflow (...) menu at the top right corner.
- Download the 3D grid for testing
- From the overflow (...) menu select "Edit 3D Grid"
- From the Grid editor, click "Download"
- From the overflow (...) menu select "Edit 3D Grid"
- If you do not already have one, generate an integrations bearer token for your account. This can be done on any integrations page, such as the Camio PACS settings page.
- If you are testing the 3D grid on behalf of a host account, you can still generate the token on your integration settings page
- Make sure to store your token in a secure location, as you will not be able to retrieve it again after you leave the page
- Make a curl request to the 3D grid visualizer our use a tool like Postman
curl --location 'https://3d.camio.com/testing/run_counting_engine' \
--header 'Authorization: CAMIO_BEARER_TOKEN' \
--form 'video_files=@"VIDEO_PATH_1.mp4"' \
--form 'video_files=@"VIDEO_PATH_2.mp4"' \
--form 'grid_file=@"GRID_FILE_PATH.json"' \
--output OUTPUT_VIDEO_PATH.mp4 - You can pass one or many video_files with the request
- The request will return a video file that shows the video with the grid an an overlay displaying Camio's people counts at each frame of the video
- The duration of the request will increase with number of video files and their size. Large requests may take several minutes or timeout.