Note: This integration requires a subscription to the Brivo API, as well as a completed API service access authorization agreement in order to function. These can be acquired from your Brivo Reseller.
It takes less than a minute to connect Brivo to Camio. To Authorize Brivo to send events to Camio, paste your Brivo API key, assign your cameras to the doors that they can see, and press Save. Please see Setup (with a tip for Multiple Brivo Sites) and Usage.
- Authorize Camio to receive Brivo access control events to annotate the video at:
- click Authorize to be redirected to Brivo OAuth2 sign-in:
- Sign in to Brivo (you must be the Brivo Administrator of your Brivo account):
- Grant permission for Camio to receive events:
- click Authorize to be redirected to Brivo OAuth2 sign-in:
- Paste your Brivo API key and assign cameras to the doors they can see. Then press Save:
Multiple Brivo Sites
When you have more than one Brivo Site, you currently have to press Save and refresh the browser page after selecting each Site in order for that Site's readers to be shown in the dropdown list.
See related info on fast visual verification, tailgating detection and contact tracing.
Indexed Items
Camio indexes the actor id, actor name, and event described by Brivo each time the door is unlocked. For example, Camio indexes these terms from the Example Brivo Event below:
- 9876
- 9876_entry.unlocked
- jane_black_entry.unlocked
- entry.unlocked
Example Brivo Event
{ "accountId": 123456, "actor": { "id": 9876, "name": "Jane Black" }, "eventData": { "actionAllowed": false, "actorName": "Jane Black", "credentialObjectId": 887766, "credentials": [ { "disabled": false, "id": 887766 } ], "deviceTypeId": 1, "objectGroupName": "ACME WEST", "objectName": "Rear Overhead Door", "objectTypeId": 2 }, "eventObject": { "deviceType": { "id": 1, "name": "Door" }, "id": 332211, "name": "Rear Overhead Door" }, "objectType": "ACCESS_POINT", "occurred": "2021-11-22T19:09:42Z", "securityAction": { "action": "Open", "exception": false, "securityActionId": 2004 }, "site": { "id": 667788, "siteName": "ACME WEST" }, "uuid": "xxx-yyy-zzz-ppp-ddd-qqq" }