Exporting logs to Splunk

Streaming logs

You can stream logs to Splunk via the Splunk Add-on for Google Cloud Platform.

This feature must first be enabled for your domain by contacting support@camio.com.

Camio creates a custom Log Router for your domain that writes events to the Cloud Pub/Sub topic, from which your Splunk Add-on pulls logs with the JSON payload.


Events logged to Splunk

Key Definition
Box State Sampled Camio servers contacted the Box to get all of the settings and status
Box Config Changed A user made a change to a Box setting
App Open A user has opened https://camio.com/app (or refreshed)
Account Created A new user was created at https://camio.com/app
Box Claimed An attempt to register a Box was made
Box Deleted A Box was deleted from an Account
Box Registered A Box was registered to an Account
Camio Created An event was shared via a link or Saved
Guest Added A new Guest Account was created under the Account
Searched A user searched for events or refreshed the real time feed
Sign in A user has presented credentials to sign in
Sign out A user signed out at https://camio.com/app
Zone Created A new zone was created at https://camio.com/app/editor/?camera=
Label Updated A label was added, updated, or deleted
Domain Changed A setting at https://camio.com/domains was changed
Cameras Exported Cameras were exported from a Box at https://camio.com/boxes
Download A user downloaded event(s) as a Zip or CSV file
Removed A user has Removed an event from the feed
Live Stream Interaction A user started or stopped a live stream via https://camio.com/app/#live
Policy Acknowledged A user acknowledged a domain's usage policy



The payload of each event above is a JSON object that includes one or more lines in the protoPayload.

For example, protoPayload.line[1].logMessage looks like this for the "Box State Sampled" event:


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