Camio offers an easy deployment on the Oracle Cloud Marketplace. Using the Camio instance (Camio on OCI), you can launch the Camio box on your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and start using it with the cameras attached to the cloud.
Creating a compute instance
You can use OCI Compute instances to host Camio box on your OCI tenancy. A Camio box is launched as a VM on OCI, using the Camio specific image.
While setting up a compute instance, Select the "Camio on OCI" image.
Shape of the the image depends on the number of camera streams you need to attach. A general calculation to determine the shape of a Camio VM is available at
In order to work with the cameras, the Camio instance needs access to the network on which the cameras exist. At least one of the NICS attached to this instance should be on the same network as the cameras.
SSH keys
SSH to the Camio instance is not recommended as it not required. Similar to any OCI instance, you can create an SSH key pair for the instance but for the purpose of Camio this step is not required.
Register to Camio
- Go to
- Enter a name for your Box
- Enter the MAC address of your OCI VM. To get the MAC address on your VM, search for "Attached VNICs" on OCI for the VM, and use the MAC address of the primary VNIC (the one communicating with the internet)
- Click 'Register' and wait for confirmation of registration success to appear on that page. It should register within 30 seconds.