How do I switch my account to use Google for sign in?

If you've already created an account using your preferred email address using either Email or Facebook as your sign-in method, and you want to switch to Google as your 2FA-enabled sign-in with support for G Suite Groups, then you must first delete your existing account in order to reuse the same email address with Google sign-in.

  1. Export any cameras connected to your current account

  2. Delete Boxes registered to your current account

  3. Delete your current non-Google account

  4. Choose Sign In with Google

  5. Re-register deleted Boxes and import the CSV file that you may have exported in step 1 above and


NOTE: For security, two accounts cannot be merged. So even though your new Google Sign In uses the same email address previously used with your other sign-in method, you will lose access to any historical video recorded under your deleted account, and any subscription associated with your deleted account will be canceled.


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